Border Vending NW Ltd join Cover and secure another national deal

Based just outside Warrington, Border Vending NW Ltd is the latest company to join The Cover Association.

Headed by Harry Drysdale, the Border management team (Harry, Richard Callwood and Amanda Drysdale) will be familiar names to many, having collectively over 100 years experience in vending.
Sales director, Amanda Drysdale, explained that

“Her expertise is in National Accounts and she was already working with many Cover members. Joining the group cemented that relationship and gave Border increased purchasing power”


Duncan Balmforth, Cover’s Chair, said

“How pleased he was to have Border on board, they had met the criteria for joining and filled a geographical gap along the North West Coast and North Wales. With 17 members Cover Group had coverage throughout the UK & Channel Islands and Border Vending was a great fit.”

The timing was perfect as Amanda has just secured the contract for AXA UK & PPP Healthcare for the second time, a testament to the excellent service that Border had delivered. This contract is national and will run alongside the many other national contracts that Cover members already operate.

Border Vending NW Ltd